funny stuff…

We went to a concert Thursday night, a Christian concert, featuring Jars of Clay, Switchfoot and Third Day. I have to admit, I am completely      L – A – M – E when it comes to Christian music. Basically all I know is the rotation of songs on my Ipod which are from Sunday worship and Jr High and well, nope, that’s about it. I listen to talk radio ok??? Anyway, it’s was such a fun night, we went into downtown Phoenix with some good friends, had an awesome dinner and walked ourselves 10 blocks to the Dodge Theater. I would guess concerts are even more fun when you know the songs…and probably the bands…but seriously, they put on a great show and it was really cool to be in there with all the energy. You couldn’t help but get caught up in it. And really, I could go to the MVD with Chad and Jessica and have a blast so… Anyway, I haven’t been to a concert in years, and the last Christian concert I went to was held at a church, so I have to say I was thrown a bit when I saw people buying beer at the concession stands and taking it to their seats to enjoy as they worshiped God. I found it rather amusing actually, especially when I realized I was the only one who had a second thought about it. Yea, I don’t know why I thought it was so funny…but here’s to beer and praising Jesus!!!

out of the mouths of babes

So here are some of the things my kids have said to me in the last couple of days…

*”Oh yeah mom, I have a project due tomorrow…what’s an ecosystem?”

*Mom, Micah’s eating a scoop of sugar, can I?”

*”I need carbs…”

*”You used to be so nice…”

*Remember yesterday when you were trying to sing loud and pretty…”

Welcome to my world…I’ll be posting more later

one hot day

So the first day of games for the season looks like this: Bill gets Jadon up and ready and takes him to his game at 8:45 and I get snacks and Micah together for her game at 10:00. I start to panic as I see that it’s already 95 degrees out there and it’s only 9:30 in the morning…we’re headed to a day of fun in the sun. Jadon has a good game. They lose, but we chuckle as he tells how their goalie misses the winning shot because he was watching the game on the other field. That’s ok, they play hard and have fun. Micah’s team realizes they are playing against girls that are older and bigger and threatening to use *them* as the soccer ball. They have their work cut out for them, but they’re ready to play hard and give it all they have. They lose, but walkaway proud knowing they left it all out there on the field. One game day down…8 more to go. We can do this!!!

A big “thank you” to Uncle Chip who so graciously took on the job of coaching Micah’s team. He did an awesome job today and we’re all so excited for this season!! Welcome to the world of soccer leagues Chip!!:) We love you!!

the fans trying to keep cool

the fans trying to keep cool

my day in kindergarten

I just got back from working with 29 kindergarteners in Sarai’s class for the last hour and a half. I’ve never been more popular in my life…”Mrs Bush, Mrs Bush, come over to my table, look at my picture.” I know it wasn’t me they wanted so much as the pink “magic marker” I held in my hand. A quickly drawn smiley face or star on their completed paper meant they were free to get up and play at their favorite center. But I felt loved nonetheless, and I liked it. What a sweet age. “How do you know my name?” they ask in astonishment, “Oh” they all say with a huge smile on their face, as I tell them I read it on their name tag taped across the front of their desk. I love this!! I tell them how well they’ve written their K’s and they can’t wait to write another one for me. I tell them the cake they made with blocks is delicious and they bring me five more, laughing at the silliness of a grown up who continues to eat block cake. “Good-bye Mrs Bush, see you next week,” they all say as the line leader leads them down the hall to art. “Good-bye class.” Yes, I will see you next week!

I surrender

Well, it’s here. And it has come in all it’s glory. In the past, despite my natural instinct to run as fast as I could in the opposite direction for fear of the chaos that would ensue in my family, I did the bare minimum to show support. As feeble as an attempt as it was, I paid my dues and I was good with that. But this year, this year is different. I have raised the white flag, for I am weak. Soccer has won, I can no longer fight. I have surrendered to my new title of “soccer mom”. We are on the fields four days a week, dinner is fishy crackers and fruit leathers on the sidelines. Bug spray is my new perfume and the lawn chairs have found a permanent home in the back of the truck. But I embrace this role that used to send shivers down my spine. I see the smile on the kids face as they run to meet their teammates, the sense of accomplishment they feel at a job well done and the happiness they have that their mom is there watching it all from the sidelines.

some of my favorite things this week…

*seeing old friends on FaceBook

*IMing on FaceBook

*finding funny pictures from Micah on my camera

what I found on my camera from Micah the other day...

what I found on my camera from Micah the other day...

*reading “When I don’t Desire God, How to Fight For Joy”

* cooler weather

* worship on Sunday

*making a new friend

*drinking lots of Paradise Peach decaf Ice Tea with said new friend

*finally learning how to T9 text

*dressing up for a grown-up birthday party

*learning new slang

*a large, fat free, sugar free vanilla ice coffee

*being out on the soccer field with Chip and Amy and Micah

*Sarah Palin

*new awesome black-ish fingernail polish