mi amore

I just got news this morning that my grandma passed away. She was 92 and her body had given up. It was time for her to go. This wasn’t a shock, her quality of life had been deteriorating for the last year and quite honestly we had been waiting for “the call” for some time now. But obviously, it’s sad. An era is over. I can’t help but feel sadness and happiness as I reminisce about my life with my grandma, and I love that so many wonderful memories have come flooding back. Grandma lived a passionate and full life. She loved fiercely and gave from the depths of her heart. Life was never about her, it was about loving everyone and making them feel apart of the family. Most of my memories take place in her big craftsman home in Los Angeles, specifically in her kitchen and dining room where 2-3 tables where pushed together and chairs brought in from every room to accommodate everyone who had come for dinner. I remember being afraid sometimes because I didn’t know many of the people who would swing open her front door and wonder out loud what Mary was making for dinner. I soon learned that everyone was welcome to come in and no one was a stranger. Grandma loved to serve and give to others and cooking was the best way for her to show she loved you. I remember the first time I brought Bill to Thanksgiving dinner. I just remember his eyes as he walked around trying to take it all in. He was a little confused when everyone started pulling homemade pizza and trays of stuffed shells and lasagna from the oven at 11:30 in the morning. He figured “that must be the way the ‘Italians’ do Thanksgiving. He ate until he was fat and happy. Only he wasn’t so happy when he realized that was just our appetizer and the real turkey dinner with ALL the trimmings was ready a few hours later. I didn’t know any different…I thought all Thanksgivings were like that. I think he asked me to marry him the next day… 🙂 Grandma’s pantry was full of every kind of treat imaginable, there were cookies and candy, sugar cereal and chips and soda. Grandpa had a sweet tooth and Grandma was happy to oblige. Us kids benefited as well, as our mom would NEVER let us have such stuff. Grandma would just laugh as we’d come in from the car, run by with a quick hug and kiss then sprint back to the pantry to lay claim to as many treats as we could get our grubby hands on.

My grandma was full of life. She loved to smile, she loved to laugh. She was a happy women. Her house was always full of music and singing. There were many nights when she would pull out sheet music to her favorite songs and we would sit around the table after having stuffed ourselves with whatever amazing dessert she whipped up that night and just sing. Some would harmonize, some would just try to catch the tune but all would laugh. And Grandma could cut a rug! She lit up the room when she danced. I was proud in High School to brag that my grandma could do the moonwalk!

What I will always treasure about Grandma was that she loved Jesus! She lived for him. She knew what he did for her and knew what it meant. Those are words that came straight from her mouth. I know that my grandma is walking with Jesus right now, singing and dancing and worshiping her creator! Praise God for the hope we have in Jesus! The last words spoken by my grandma to my mom were “mi amore,” my love in Italian. That was a term of endearment her father would always say to her and now it’s past on to the next generation. Thank you Grandma for the legacy you leave behind!

6 responses to “mi amore

  1. What a wonderful tribute to your grandmother. Thank you so much for sharing. I’m sorry for the pain that you and your family are experiencing… I will be praying for all of you.

  2. Sounds like she was a super special lady and will always hold a special place in all of your hearts!May all those sweet memories of her from the past give you all peace today!!!

  3. How wonderful that you have those memories of your grandma! I am sorry for your loss.

  4. Thank you Carrie for those wonderful sweet thoughts on grandma. You have captured our life well with your words. Grandma loved you so much.
    Do you think she is at work in the banquet room in heaven or on the praise team? Probably both!

  5. You wrote most beautifully about your grand mother. I just wanted to send my prayers of peace to your family. She sounds like an ever-present influence in your life. I pray that you too will follow in her path- learn to cut a rug!,have a pantry full of every kind of treat imaginable, and have a house full of music and singing. These things in my opinion, are the best way to keep and honour her. Oh and tell your children stories often of her. Lots of Love, Betha

  6. What a great memoir of grandma! You should read it at the funeral.

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