
Is it bad when your sons Sunday School teacher hands you the book “The Strong Willed Child” and says “here, I thought you could use this”

Just wondering.

6 responses to “hmmmm

  1. Oh Carrie I’m sorry…. but I laughed out loud when I read this. Mainly because I think you’ve just provided me with a glimpse into my future… Good luck!

  2. Same thing happened to me back when Sophia was 3 and her Sunday School teacher handed me the book…Spanking, The Loving Discipline. ;o)

  3. I’m sorry but the whole thing is soooo funny! However, I feel your pain – I LOVE 9 year old boys! hehehe

  4. my mom probably read that one for me… 🙂

  5. LOL! At least you just got it for your boy. All 4 of mine need that book applied! Keep up the good work mama and look toward the end goal….what is that again? =)

  6. That book is a great one. I read it for Madi. Just tell them its the Italian in him. I would not worry too much. Boys will be boys. You are doing a great job.

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